ShareWare Heaven 14
Shareware Heaven 14.iso
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File List
259 lines
1STFONT1.ZIP FirstPublisher Fonts Great Set of Fonts
Includes Celtic, Future, Ham + more 1/4
1STFONT2.ZIP FirstPublisher Fonts Great Set of Fonts
Includes Celtic, Future, Ham + more 2/4
1STFONT3.ZIP FirstPublisher Fonts Great Set of Fonts
Includes Celtic, Future, Ham + more 3/4
1STFONT4.ZIP FirstPublisher Fonts Great Set of Fonts
Includes Celtic, Future, Ham + more 4/4
ACADTOOL.ZIP AutoCadTool: DWG Drawing Release Charger
DownGrade AutoCad Drawings
ACADWG_1.ZIP AutoCad Drawings,Collection of Elecronic
and Architectural Symbols 1/2
ACADWG_2.ZIP AutoCad Drawings,Collection of Elecronic
and Architectural Symbols 2/2
APPCAD_1.ZIP AppCad, Hewlett Packard Applications
Computer Aided Design Program 1/3
APPCAD_2.ZIP AppCad, Hewlett Packard Applications
Computer Aided Design Program 2/3
APPCAD_3.ZIP AppCad, Hewlett Packard Applications
Computer Aided Design Program 3/3
AQUARIUM.ZIP VGA or SVGA Fish tank Screen Saver This
This is One of the Best Aquariums
AWARDS.ZIP Certificate Maker Create and Print your
own Certificates and Awards
BACKSOON.ZIP Back Soon, Message Taking/Screen Saving
Utility, Display Scrolling Messages
BF_PCX1.ZIP BaseBall & FootBall PCX, a Collection
of all Major Leagues 1/2
BF_PCX2.ZIP BaseBall & FootBall PCX, a Collection
of all Major Leagues 2/2
BRUSH150.ZIP MagicBrush, Drawing/Painting program and
SlideShow for Medium Resolution CGA
CADET_1.ZIP CADet:Outstanding CAD text Editor System
Allows textEditing AutoCad Attribute 1/2
CADET_2.ZIP CADet:Outstanding CAD text Editor System
Allows textEditing AutoCad Attribute 2/2
CADSHELL.ZIP CadShell, Complete Drawing Management
Provides a Complete Shell Interface
CAPTURE.ZIP Professional Capture System, Combination
of Both DOS/Windows Screen Capture tools
CMATE41.ZIP Calendar Mate Full Featured to Design
and Create your Personalized Calendar
CSHOW860.ZIP CShow, Display and Read GIF, RLE, PCX
As Simple as Pressing SpaceBar
CYBART.ZIP Cybart [The Cybernated Artist] Create
Artistic Paintings on your PC
DANCAD_1.ZIP DanCADD, Create your own High Quality
Line Drawings with 3D Ability 1/5
DANCAD_2.ZIP DanCADD, Create your own High Quality
Line Drawings with 3D Ability 2/5
DANCAD_3.ZIP DanCADD, Create your own High Quality
Line Drawings with 3D Ability 3/5
DANCAD_4.ZIP DanCADD, Create your own High Quality
Line Drawings with 3D Ability 4/5
DANCAD_5.ZIP DanCADD, Create your own High Quality
Line Drawings with 3D Ability 5/5
DAZZLE50.ZIP Dazzle Great Screen Saver not a TSR
One of the Best Screen Savers Ever Made
DFSS30.ZIP Desert Frog Screen Scenes Just like the
Popular WIndows After Dark ScreenSaver
DRAFT_1.ZIP DraftChoice, great CAD Application
very easy to use 1/3
DRAFT_2.ZIP DraftChoice, great CAD Application
very easy to use 2/3
DRAFT_3.ZIP DraftChoice, great CAD Application
very easy to use 3/3
DREAMHSE.ZIP Dream House, This Program will help you
Plan your Dream House [User Friendly]
DT_PAINT.ZIP DeskTop Paint for use by who runs
DeskTop Publishing
EASYCASE.ZIP EasyCASE, Easy to use Computer Aided
Software Engineering Program
EDRAW_32.ZIP EDraw, Sophisticated Drawing program for
Technical apllications/Create Schematics
EVISION1.ZIP EnVision Publisher, The Most Powerful
SharWare DeskTop Publisher 1/2
EVISION2.ZIP EnVision Publisher, The Most Powerful
SharWare DeskTop Publisher 2/2
EXPGRAPH.ZIP ExpressGraph, Easy use Business Graphics
Number can be analyzed easy and Quickly
EZGRAPH.ZIP EZGraph,Scietific Plotting Program if you
have the needto Create Presentations
FANTASY.ZIP Fatasy, Create Flowing Graphics on your
Display as you Move the Mouse Cursor
FINGER40.ZIP Finger Paint,Very Nice program that does
not require Mouse and very Professional
FINGER_V.ZIP Finger VGA, Color Image Processing/Paint
and Animation for VGA Systems
FINGMAPS.ZIP Finger Maps, Object Oriented Drawing
Program w/DataBase of World Geography
FISHTRO.ZIP FishTro, Amazing VGA Demo of Underwater
and Fish with Sound Effects for all
FLODRAW1.ZIP FloDraw, FlowChart Drawing program that
prints Full Page Black & White 1/2
FLODRAW2.ZIP FloDraw, FlowChart Drawing program that
prints Full Page Black & White 2/2
FRACTINT.ZIP Plots and Manipulates Images of Objects
Actually Sets Of Mathematical Points
GDS110.ZIP Graphic File Viewer Reads GIF87A/GIF89A
Includes Delay, User Input Plus Others
GIF2JPG.ZIP Program that allows you to Convert JPEG
to and from GIF Graphic Files
GIFUTIL1.ZIP GIF Utilities #1 Great Varity of tools
includes GIFdescriptor and GIFindexer
GIFUTIL2.ZIP GIF Itilities #2 another fine Utilities
that includes GIFTest and GIFWarp;
GIFUTIL3.ZIP GIF Utilities #3 GIF Viewing Utilities
includes GIFDesk and PICEM
GISP.ZIP GSIP, For Viewing/Editing and Printing
of 8-Bit Gray PCX Images
GL_MACH.ZIP Graphics Label Machine,Print Lables with
Graphic Images on the Left Side
GRAB396.ZIP Program That Captures any Image on the
Screen to a Disk for Later Viewing
GWS61P.ZIP Graphics WorkShop Program for Working
Computer Graphic Files up to 256 COlors
HYPAD_1.ZIP HyperPad, HyperMedia Platform for DOS
Character Mode Fast/Flexible 1/5
HYPAD_2.ZIP HyperPad, HyperMedia Platform for DOS
Character Mode Fast/Flexible 2/5
HYPAD_3.ZIP HyperPad, HyperMedia Platform for DOS
Character Mode Fast/Flexible 3/5
HYPAD_4.ZIP HyperPad, HyperMedia Platform for DOS
Character Mode Fast/Flexible 4/5
HYPAD_5.ZIP HyperPad, HyperMedia Platform for DOS
Character Mode Fast/Flexible 5/5
IMAGE3D.ZIP Image 3-D: Create/View/and Edit 3-D
WireFrame Objects and Images
IMAGEPRO.ZIP Fast Image Processor that allows you to
work with Computer Graphic Files
IMPROC40.ZIP Improces, The Ultimate GIF Utility, SVGA
Image Processor Upto 1024x768x256 Colors
JKROSES.ZIP 256 Color Screen saver for VGA/SVGA, it
Displays 16 small Images of Roses
KDGRAF13.ZIP KDGraf, Pulldown/MenuDriven Graphics
Package for EGA/VGA Systems
LAUNCH40.ZIP Launch CAD and Custom# Menu: 2 Programs
User Friendly Autocad Menu Replacement
LAYOUT30.ZIP Layout, A programto Creat 2-Dimentional
areas Drawings and Prints them
MAKEDEMO.ZIP MakeDemo,Create Slide Show Presentations
with Various Sound Effects
MEDIA_1.ZIP Multimedia 1: Breakthrough in Computer
Aided Audio/Video Technology 1/3
MEDIA_2.ZIP Multimedia 1: Breakthrough in Computer
Aided Audio/Video Technology 2/3
MEDIA_3.ZIP Multimedia 1: Breakthrough in Computer
Aided Audio/Video Technology 3/3
MENUMAKE.ZIP Menu Maker, Make easy to use ASCII Menus
within few minutes
METASCAN.ZIP Created to allow BitMapped Graphics to
be Converted to ANSI CGM files
MSE.ZIP M.S.E: Moving Sprite Editor, Must Have
Graphics Program, [Utilities]
MUGSHOTS.ZIP MugShots, A Fun Graphivs Program that is
Guaranteed to bringout the Artist in you
MVGAU60.ZIP For Loading and Viewing any Color GIF
Pictures of any Size
MVP.ZIP MVP:Music/Voice/ and Picture, Designed
to create Animated Slide Shows
M_PAINT.ZIP HomePlan, Darw, Save, Edit, and Print
House Plans, Show Studs, Joint, More?
NEOPANT1.ZIP NeoPaint, The Ulitimate Image Editing
and Painting Program for DOS 1/3
NEOPANT2.ZIP NeoPaint, The Ulitimate Image Editing
and Painting Program for DOS 2/3
NEOPANT3.ZIP NeoPaint, The Ulitimate Image Editing
and Painting Program for DOS 3/3
NORTHCAD.ZIP North-Cad 3D: Design and Modeling View
Edit/Create 3 Dimentional Objects
NPSBORDR.ZIP New PrinShop Borders/Fonts a Very Large
Collection of Borders and Fonts
NPSFONTS.ZIP New ProntShop Fonts LArge Collection Of
Font for the New PrintShop use
OCRSHR22.ZIP Complete Shareware Version of Advantex
Optical Character Recognition
OOZE.ZIP Very High resolution Graphics Program
that Generates a LAVA Lamp on your PC
OPTIKS31.ZIP Read and Write many different Graphic
Types of files
PAINTER.ZIP Painter's Apprentice, Fantastic Bitmap
Editor in the Genre of MacPaint etc.
PARTYDOT.ZIP PartyDot, User Created art Generator and
Similar to KaleidoScope
PBP_10.ZIP Paint By Pixel,Screen Drawing Utility to
to Produce Professional Quality Screens
PCDD_1.ZIP PC-Draft-Cad, Full featured Vector Based
Cad drafting system 1/3
PCDD_2.ZIP PC-Draft-Cad, Full featured Vector Based
Cad drafting system 2/3
PCDD_3.ZIP PC-Draft-Cad, Full featured Vector Based
Cad drafting system 3/3
PCDRAFT2.ZIP PC-Draft II, Painting/Drafting Program
Popup Menu and designed to be very easy
PC_TRACE.ZIP PCTrace, Computer Aided Design program
for Printed Circuit Boards
PEDCAD_1.ZIP PedCadd, Executive Collection of 775 DWG
[AutoCad Symbols] Format 1/3
PEDCAD_2.ZIP PedCadd, Executive Collection of 775 DWG
[AutoCad Symbols] Format 2/3
PEDCAD_3.ZIP PedCadd, Executive Collection of 775 DWG
[AutoCad Symbols] Format 3/3
PICLAB.ZIP Image Processing program that Operates
on Images,BitMapped, and GrayScales
POLYMATH.ZIP PolyMath, Combines Scientific/Engineer
Plotting, [Programming Language]
PP20.ZIP Print Partner print banners, signs,
greeting cars, easy to use.
PRICLES1.ZIP Pricless People, Generous Collection of
various types and ages of People 1/3
PRICLES2.ZIP Pricless People, Generous Collection of
various types and ages of People 2/3
PRICLES3.ZIP Pricless People, Generous Collection of
various types and ages of People 3/3
PRNT_CAD.ZIP PrintCad, Pen Plotter Emulator that can
act as printer driver for most Packages
PROCR202.ZIP Professional Optical Character Rcognit
ion that reads 8 to 30 points
ROTOR_09.ZIP Rotor, Create Beatiful Computer Graphics
Including Animated Graphics Effects
SAVERS1.ZIP ScreenSaver #1 2 Programs, ScreenSaver
and Blank For Saving your Monitor
SAVERS2.ZIP ScreenSaver #2 another Collection of
InnerMission and ScreenSaver;
SAVERS3.ZIP ScreenSaver #3 more Programs to Choose
from Quixx and Screen Saver
SAVERS4.ZIP ScreenSaver #4 More Programs to Save
your Monitors from Character burining
SLIDE_10.ZIP HyperSlide, AutoCad Based Prosentation
Create images for Programmed Controls
SPAINT_1.ZIP ScreenPaint, ASCII Text Screen Designer
and Prototyping Program
SPL37_1.ZIP Show Partner Lite, Developed for Lively
Animated Screens Show 1/2
SPL37_2.ZIP Show Partner Lite, Developed for Lively
Animated Screens Show 2/2
SPRED101.ZIP Spred:an Animated Sprite Editor/Compile
Graphics, and Add Sounds
SUNMAP.ZIP Sun Map, Simulate $5,000 Clocks seen on
few Walls, In many Zones
TAKEFIVE.ZIP Take 5, Message Display System with PCX
Graphics, and Change Position of Display
TEXTSHOW.ZIP TextShow, Highly Stylized Screen Present
-ion program for Decisions Software
TITLE_22.ZIP Quick Titles Very easy to use program to
to Create TitleScreen with Fonts/Borders
TPAINT15.ZIP Turbo Paint, 5-Star Full Featured paint
Program Better than a Commercial Program
VGACAD_1.ZIP VGA-Cad: All Purpose Graphic Editor
Image Processor and Printing 1/2
VGACAD_2.ZIP VGA-Cad: All Purpose Graphic Editor
Image Processor and Printing 2/2
VGAPAINT.ZIP VGA Paint, Graphics/Drawing Program that
Produces screen Images up to 248 Colors
VPIC50.ZIP Graphic File Viewer and Convertor for
EGA/VGA GIF and PCX plus More
VUIMGE33.ZIP GIF/TIFF format Picture Viewer/Printer
a Super Fast GIF Displaying